2008 completed projects include:
Fabrication of steel columns, beams and canopies for Edge Developments' Millikan Point Business
Park located on Murray and Millikan Drive in Beaverton.
Fabrication of moment frames for 100 homes constructed by Hayden Homes located in Salem.
Fabrication of embeds, angle iron, lintels, etc.
for Gray Purcell's 555 Building located in Lake Oswego.
Fabrication of structural steel and canopies for Tualatin Medical Bldg.
Fabrication of structure steel for Gray Purcell's
River's Condominiums located in Salem.
Fabrication of structural steel and stairs for the remodel of Willamette University's Carnegie Law
Building working with LCG Pence Construction.
Fabrication and construction of craneways for Halton Cats' maintenance, repair facility and expansion
located in Portland.